“Ouch, my heel hurts” – this is a complaint we hear often. Heel pain is one of the most common conditions we treat and there are many different causes. Seeing a Podiatrist for a proper assessment is the first step in the journey to becoming pain-free.

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What are the causes?

Heel pain – known as ‘Plantar Fasciitis’ – is the pain you feel when you step out of bed in the morning, or the ache you feel upon standing after you’ve been sitting down for a while or the throb that bothers you in the evening.

girl sitting on ground with heel pain

The pain is described as dull, aching, sharp or even burning. This intense pain or aching tenderness is found at the base of the heel or the inner arch of the foot. It is felt most intensely after you’ve been resting for a while and the plantar fascia is suddenly stretched to its maximum when you stand.

Heel pain can be caused by a variety of reasons. Some common reasons include:

  • Flat feet
  • High arches
  • Weak muscles and tendons
  • Incorrect posture on standing and walking
  • Sudden increase in activity level
  • Poor footwear
  • However, it is indiscriminate of age

It can be gradual – creeping up over a long period of time – or it can be sudden. No matter how it presents, it is bothersome and often debilitating – stopping you from leading an active and fulfilling lifestyle.

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Treatment for Heel Pain

Our Podiatrists will be able to provide a tailored treatment plan that will have you feeling better – reducing inflammation and pain. We will help you understand the root cause of your pain and work with you towards achieving your goals – be that running a marathon or simply getting through the day pain free.

a women jogging on footpath

Our treatment plan is comprehensive and effective. We have a range of options to treat heel pain from Shockwave Therapy, Low Level Laser Therapy, Foot Mobilisation Therapy, Dry Needling and Footwear Advice.

The extensive range of treatments, the ability to listen and analyse your individual symptoms, sets us as leaders in the treatment of heel pain. Don’t hesitate to call us or book online – we are conveniently located in Brunswick West.